Friday, August 21, 2015

The 'One Eye' vs The 'Heart'

 In this moment, I want to share one of my very important secret.
Its not for sensation or find 'name'. Its more like a sermon.

I have an "eye". I hate the truth, thats I can  mengetahui (just a shadow) what people think, what people rasakan, and what people wanted, I can mengetahui the weakness when I see they 'eye'.
Maybe some people bilang this is a omong kosong. But this is true. I know that!

I hate to be someone like this.
The reason is,
This is the one of ability that satan use to make human terjerumus berulang kali kedalam sin.
Satan can't  membaca what in your mind, but satan can see you, and he can mengetahui what you think, what you feel, and what you wanted. So satan can know, what the situasi to make you lose! Satan bisa, when satan 'just' see you. Satan see your character and gerak-gerik.

Thats why, I don't like to have this 'eye'. Maybe timbul the question, 'so how about Jesus? What the ability of Jesus?'
Jesus have the 'eye', bahkan more than the 'eye'. Jesus have a 'heart'. To know what you need! And to feel what you feel. Not just to see you, but Jesus turut merasakan every bebanmu. And try to help you, making you better more than before!

Setiap orang pasti memiliki 'mata' untuk melihat. Tapi tidak semua orang mampu menggunakan hati mereka untuk turut merasakan. Ask God, pray for the 'heart'. Thats all I wanted to ask Jesus now. I need the 'heart'. Coz this is the way to make me different with  the ability of satan.

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